The Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) Program educates people about disaster preparedness for hazards that may impact their area and trains them in basic disaster response skills, such as fire safety, light search and rescue, team organization, and disaster medical operations. Using the training learned in the classroom and during exercises, CERT members can assist others in their neighborhood or workplace following an event when professional respondors are not immediately available to help. CERT members are also encouraged to support emergency response agencies by taking a more active role in emergency preparedness projects in their community.

What steps should you take?

1) Make a Plan - Do you have a plan for what to do if disaster strikes? Do you know how to contact people in your family, even if they are at work or school? Do you have places picked out as meeting locations, and do you have multiple in case one cannot be reached?

2) Build a Kit - Have things on hand that you would need during an emergency, including food, water, flashlights, sturdy shoes, a first aid kit, etc.

3) Stay Informed - How are you going to get your information during a disaster? Do you have the basic tools you would need to get critical information?

4) Get involved - Join into a CERT class and start learning some of the other skills that will be important during a disaster.

Your Help Is Needed

For more information about the Vernon County CERT,

contact Vernon County Ambulance District at 417-667-5079